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Partnership proposals, reviews, promotions and other marketing offers

Partnerships and other commercial proposals:

We do not accept offers of revenue-boosting schemes, paid referrals, traffic monetisation, search engine optimisation, link exchange, sponsored content, incorporation of third-party software into our products, or any other business propositions of such nature.

We do not publish third-party articles or blog posts on our website.

Promotions and other marketing offers:

We are not interested in any offers to “promote our site/business”, “increase the recognition of our brand”, “feature our products”, “improve our rankings”, or any other “opportunities” of this sort. We strongly prefer our software products to be popular and widely used as a result of their high quality and excellent functionality, not because of someone's marketing campaign.

Reviews, social media posts and other publications:

We do not participate in paid reviews, magazine articles, influencer campaigns, advertorials, fictitious testimonials or marketing.

Users, media outlets and software enthusiasts are welcome to publish voluntary reviews, tutorials, articles and any other media material about our products at their own discretion and without asking for our permission. In this case, our conditions are that the published information must be genuine and truthful, and the publishing media be free from any malicious or potentially unwanted capabilities. In no circumstances do we engage in this process or pay for the content.

Article details

Article ID: 47

Category: Purchasing and pricing

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