Payment Options and Refund Policy
Refund policy: try before you buy
We value customer satisfaction, so we offer free trials for all our products. We strongly recommend using the trial on your system before making a purchase, to ensure that it meets your needs and works well with your devices. Please note, due to payment processing costs, we provide refunds only for technical issues not found during the trial and unresolved by our support team.
Online payments
Your payment will be processed by PayPro Global Inc., an e-commerce expert in software sales. The payment form is located on a secure server and uses SSL to keep your data safe. PayPro accepts credit cards, bank transfers, PayPal, and other payment methods. Once your payment is finalised, a licence key will be sent to your email address.
Alternative payment options
If you are not comfortable paying online with a credit or debit card, you are welcome to choose an offline payment option. In addition to online card payments, you can pay with PayPal, bank/wire transfers, and purchase orders. However, all orders are placed via the online system, so you will need to fill the online form in all cases and then submit your payment as described below.
Whichever payment method you prefer, start by visiting our online store, choosing a product and its licence type, and clicking the Buy Now button. On the Checkout page, fill in the online form and choose one of the following options in the list of payment methods:
Choose PayPal in the list of payment methods, enter the e-mail address connected to your PayPal account and submit the form. This will take you to PayPal’s secure checkout page to complete the purchase.
Wire Transfer
Choose Wire Transfer as a payment method and submit the form. After that you will be taken to a page with instructions for making a payment by wire transfer.
Realtime Bank Transfer
A domestic bank transfer is an alternative to wire transfers and suitable for customers who would prefer to pay in their local currency without a credit card. Choose Realtime Bank Transfer as method of payment and you will be given the options for real-time online debit payment methods available in your country.
Purchase Order
Purchase Orders are a means of paying for products on credit. This method is sometimes used by large corporations and we have two ways of accepting it:
Via PayPro
We are under contract with PayPro Global Inc. for processing orders and collecting payments. To place a purchase order, please visit our online store, choose a product and its licence type and click the Buy Now button. On the Checkout page fill in the form and choose Purchase Order in the payment method list.
- You will receive a proforma invoice and payment instructions to complete your purchase.
- Following the instructions, fill in the necessary information in the form and attach a payment.
- Mail or fax the completed form to PayPro using the contact details specified in the instructions.
- Once the payment is cleared, the order is finalised and the product is delivered.
Please contact PayPro if you need any help with purchase orders.
Directly with us
We can also accept a purchase order directly. Simply e-mail your purchase order to us and we will e-mail you back with the product and an invoice. Our company details are listed here.