Command line switches

Listed below is a set of command line switches for creating, deleting and manipulating RAM disks. These commands work with a running GUI instance of RAM Disk and require the following line format: ramdisk.exe /switch:data

Note: to create an on-demand RAM disk from a service or script, use the console version ramdiskc.exe located in the application folder. Any RAM disk created with the console version is not visible in the GUI and disappears upon shutdown. To see its usage syntax simply launch it in a command prompt without any parameters.

Switch Description Examples
/import:filename.xml Reads RAM disk definitions previously saved to a file by the File – Export Disks command. Disk definitions read from the file are appended to the existing ones and are not mounted. /import:"C:\John Smith\test.xml"
/mount:driveletter Mounts an existing RAM disk. Specify all to mount all the existing RAM disks. /mount:R
/unmount:driveletter Unmounts an existing RAM disk. Specify all to unmount all the existing RAM disks. Specify /force before /unmount for forced unmount. /unmount:R
/force /unmount:all
/save:driveletter Saves an existing RAM disk to its associated image file. Specify all to save all the existing RAM disks. /save:R
/del:driveletter Deletes an existing RAM disk. Specify all to delete all the existing RAM disks. /del:R

/add:param=value, param=value,...

Adds a new RAM disk based on the following case-insensitive parameters:

Parameter Description
type=[logon|boot] Disk type. Can be either logon-time disk or boot-time disk. The former is mounted upon user logon, the latter is mounted upon system boot. The default value is boot.
letter=[A-Z] Drive letter. Can be any available letter from A to Z. This parameter is required.
fs=[FAT|FAT32|exFAT|NTFS] File system. Can be either FAT, FAT32, exFAT or NTFS. The default value is RAW, for no file system.
csize=16[K|M] Cluster size, also known as allocation unit size. It is a number followed by multiplier K for kilobytes, M for megabytes, or no multiplier for bytes. The cluster size value must be a power of 2. Its allowed range depends on the file system, but generally is from 512 bytes to 32 megabytes.
image=imagefile.img Path to an image file. Creates a RAM disk based on the image file specified.
size=100[K|M|G] Size of the disk. Can be specified as a number followed by a multiplier, e.g. 10M, or 1G. This value is required unless the image option is present.
label=disklabel Optional volume label. This value is only valid when the file system is FAT, FAT32, exFAT or NTFS.
save=[yes|no] Mark the volume as persistent. This value is only valid when an image file is used. The default value is no and changes are not saved back to the associated image file.
mount=[yes|no] Mount and make the disk available immediately. The default value is yes and the disk is mounted upon creation.

/add:"letter=R, fs=exFAT, csize=16K, size=100M"

/add:"letter=I, image=c:\image files\filename.img"

/add:"type=boot, letter=B, fs=NTFS, size=50M, mount=no"